Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Joe Lizura

Joe Lizura. May 30, 2012.  Married.  That's what I said - Justin Beiber needs to get married already so that girls all around the world can get back to whatever they were doing --I must say that I'm not particularly a Justin Beiber fan, but I do admire the fact that in just a few short years, this talented singer has managed to become a world-wide sensation to a point at which the world hasn't seen since The Beatles roamed the earth!  This story from Norway made me laugh - declaring a "state of emergency"?  Really??   Check this out: .  Think about it, when was the last time entire cities were shut down because of a singer or a band?  Seriously, it's been a long long time! Hmm, come to think of it, maybe Michael Jackson and Madonna did it once or twice.

Joe Lizura

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Love of Baseball

Joe Lizura

Joe Lizura. San Diego, 5/29/2012.  Here is an interesting article about Barry Bonds wanting to move forward after the years of testimony and trials regarding any association he had with steroids while in baseball. His hearings and trials have been going on for so long, that I really felt he deserves to move ahead with his life.  In fact, I feel like all these guys have been through enough including the latest casualty, Roger Clemens who has spent untold weeks and months in the middle of hearings and testimony.  I was never a Giants fan, but his story made me want to support him - check it out, here is the link:,0,7072284.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fmostviewed+%28L.A.+Times+-+Most+Viewed+Stories%29  And now here are my thoughts about the whole "steroids and baseball" controversy now fully a decade old - baseball in America is an interesting thing because it is more than a sport, (basketball is a sport) baseball is both a sport and past-time.  Baseball has outlasted fortune 500 companies, times of prosperity and times of war.  Baseball has been a sport that teaches children to work as a team, to invest hard work and to both win and lose.  Right now however, we as a nation are losing.  Picking on the game of baseball by lawyers, politicians and advocates is ruining the game, ruining the respect and reputation of players and wasting untold millions and millions of taxpayer dollars. 

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Barry Bonds
 Baseball isn't perfect, and neither are the politicians on the panels investing the game, I personally am tired of having my tax dollars wasted trying to trick ballplayers into "obstruction of justice" charges by having them deny use of steroids and then have someone else testify that they used them - this has gone on and on for years and it's pointless.

So here is what I think would be an excelled move:  The president should pick a day, say July 1, 2012 and pardon all ballplayers prior to that date for any association with steroids or steroid use.  The very next day a very powerful law should go into effect that makes it illegal to use any steroid in baseball - simple as that, if you are caught using steroids, you are suspended for the rest of the current season and if you are caught a second time, you are banned from the sport.

Let's stop bashing the game and the players, and let's stop wasting our money.  Just my thoughts.

Joe Lizura

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Joe lizura - Fire up the grill: 10 Easy Ways to Master the BBQ

Joe_Lizura. May 26, 2012.  It's the unofficial start to Summer this very weekend! (insert cheers here). And besides heading to the beach or to the pool, millions will be heading to the BBQ to cook up those burgers and those steaks.  So here is a story that has the top 10 ways to master the grill for perfect steaks!  Check it out:  And don't forget - never mix cooked food with raw food waiting to be cooked, and don't use the same utensils for cooked and un-cooked food as well.  Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Joe Lizura

Friday, May 25, 2012

Joe-Lizura_The Worst Traffic in America

Joe Lizura. 5/25/2012.  Yikes!  The list is out for cities with the worst traffic and I'm proud to say that San Diego is NOT on the list!  But I'm NOT proud to say that I've sat in more than one of the traffic jams.  The top 5 cities are:  Honolulu, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York and Bridgeport (see entire list here: ).  What's interesting though is that I've sat in traffic jams in both the east coast and the west coast, and it never seemed to me that the west coast traffic jams were ever as bad as the east coast ones.  Regardless, books on CD make any traffic jam much more enjoyable!

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

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Joe Lizura American IdolMay 24, 2012. Joe Lizura. What a fantastic finish to an amazing American Idol season.  It's been awhile since American Idol such high ratings and was watched and voted-on by so many viewers - very impressive!  It's also impressive how many searches there were for both Phillip and Jessica.  And if tradition holds true, they will both be very successful in their singing careers.  Being from San Diego I naturally hoped for Jessica to prevail, but she'll do just fine with a very long and successful career in the music industry, especially with the help of the folks from American Idol.  Good luck Phillip and Jessica!  Here is the American Idol wrap up:

Joe Lizura

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Joe Lizura

May 23, 2012.  Joe Lizura.  San Diego, CA.  So for two days now I've seen the photo of the "world's largest pool" featured on the Yahoo homepage but I didn't think about clicking on the story until just now and WOW!  This resort is the most amazing resort and swimming pool complex I have ever seen anywhere!  It's located in Chile on the coastline and it is the most amazing place.  Here is a link to the slideshow - you have to check out the photos!  Check it out:

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

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May 22, 2012.  Joe Lizura.  I don't normally comment much when a company goes public, because I've never invested in an initial public offering primarily because there is just too much hype leading up to the big companies when they go public.  It's interesting though that often the hype can't predict the direction of the stock when it first goes for sale.  Recently there have been a few big offerings and some have done well and others not so well.  For example, take a look at Linkedin - they went public and the shares shot up to over $100 dollars, then dropped a bit and have gone back up.  Facebook on the other hand has tanked, coming out at $38 dollars a share, and a few days later sitting at just over $30.  There's a lot of thought to this, but when it comes to an initial public offering, it's clearly a disaster.  Here's a great article about "why", check it out at:

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Joe Lizura. May 20, 2012.  Once again, it's very sad news to learn that another talented individual has passed on.  Robin Gibb and the Bee Gees were such a big part the music scene during my high school years, that simply hearing one of their songs can bring back so many memories.  There was much more to the Bee Gees than disco, and this article highlights an amazing career - check it out at:

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Joe Lizura.  May 18, 2012.  Look Who's Making The Money.  Nice story today about who's making the most money in America - and despite stories about CEOs making a boat-load of money, it's actually the medical folks pulling in the big bucks.  Check out the story - time for a career change!

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Joe Lizura. May 16, 2012.  This story really "Chaps My Hide" as they say.  Why are we paying $4.29 per gallon of gas when oil is at a 6 month low and inventories are at a 22 year high?!  What should the price of a gallon of gas really be? Try about $3.50 a gallon in the more expensive states like California, and $2.75 in the less expensive states like Arizona and Texas - this my friends is what people care about in election years.  Read for yourself about the status of oil:

Joe Lizura

Monday, May 14, 2012

What an inspirational story!

Joe Lizura.  May 14, 2012.  I just saw this story and I had to share it!  Click this link and read what makes the United States of America the beacon of light for people around the world, and how a small boy made it here and is still so very grateful.  Here's the story:
Share it with a friend.

Joe Lizura

More Big Changes Coming To a TV Near You

Joe Lizura.  More big changes being announced for shows this Fall and next Spring.  Some of the ideas actually look like they might make a difference - especially the changes planned for X-Factor.  Read all about the changes here:

Joe Lizura

Saturday, May 12, 2012

When Betty White Speaks, People Listen

May 12, 2012.  Joe Lizura.  One of my favorite people of all time is Betty White.  So naturally when she speaks her mind, I absolutely love to hear what she has to say - and today she decided to say who she supports for the presidential race, here are her thoughts:  It's pretty rare that Betty White talks politics, or policies so I thought it was interesting - now I'm off to do some yardwork!

Joe Lizura

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tips to Better Networking

Joe Lizura. May 10, 2012.  Here is a nice article that should help you with networking.  Just remember that a good networking strategy will only work if you remember to "follow-up" after you make your connections.  Here are 7 key tips from an Entrepreneur Magazine article, including the important tip about arriving to your event early:

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The passing of Vidal Sassoon

Joe Lizura. May 9, 2012.  I was saddened today to learn of the passing of Vidal Sassoon - he truly began a revolution in the Hair industry that took America and much of Europe into a wonderful phase of hair styling.  Only those who are a bit older can remember just how aweful hairstyles were before Vidal revolutionized the way they were cut.  I remember my mother and my older sister spending countless hours under the hairdresser before "seeing the light" of shorter and trendier hair - I even remember my sister's first "pixie haircut" (Yikes!)  But most of all I remember the commercials which sang ... "If you don't look good - we don't look good . . Vidal Sassoon"  Umm yeah, you might want to youtube search that one.  RIP.  Here is a link to a brief bio of his life:

Joe Lizura

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Kentucky Derby

Joe Lizura. May 5, 2012.  Today was Kentucky Derby Day!  I love the Kentucky Derby, because you never know what will happen, and today was no exception.  If you don't know how it ended, check out this story: What a great race it was as a new horse racing star was born!

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 3, 2012.  Joe Lizura.  Get ready for the brightest moon of the year!  During the next few days, you won't be able to miss it (unless it's cloudy), because the night sky will be bright enough to create shadows.  It only happens once or twice a year, when the full moon is extremely bright, but it will actually be bright enough to create shadows on the ground - normally this would be great news, but there is also a meteor shower this weekend, and because the moon will be so bright, it's likely that there won't really be a chance to actually see the meteors.  You can read all about both the full moon and the meteor shower here:

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Flying with a home-made jetpack

May 3 2012.  Joe Lizura. Boy, I sure could have used one of these today when I was stuck in traffic for hours and hours and hours and ......  Check out the story it's awesome!

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A truly sad loss

May 3 2012.  Joe Lizura.  I've spent a lot of time yesterday and today thinking about Junior Seau and wish his family strength and understanding in this difficult time.  Having been a weatherman in San Diego for a great number of years, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jr. and covering some of the wonderful things he did in our community over the years.  His rise in the Chargers's organization was an especially wonderful thing to watch, his command of the game of football was amazing and every time the camera had a close-up of Jr. you could see the determination in his eyes.  He lived life that way as well, he was determined to help the city and the community he grew up in, and gave so much back to San Diego through his good deeds and his foundation.  Every elementary school kid who loves football should do a report on Junior Seau so they can appreciate what it's like when a player does everything right on the field and off the field. 

I'll never judge Junior for his final months, weeks and days, and wouldn't judge him because, although we never saw it on the outside, there must have been some unbelievable stress going on in the inside.  Folks in San Diego and all around the country will miss him.  R.I.P.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Best wishs for Tyler Perry

May 2, 2012.  Joe Lizura.  I just heard about the big fire at Tyler Perry's production facility in Atlanta, and I thought I'd send out my best wishes - I know how hard he's worked to build that 30 acre studio lot.  Good luck Tyler - rebuilding is not easy, but you can do it!  Here is a link to the story:

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