Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tom Cruise highest paid actor

Joe Lizura - Tom Cruise tops the list of Hollywood's highest paid actors.  July 4, 2012.  Here is the story from Forbes which lists the highest paid actors in Hollywood.  No big surprise here, Tom Cruise tops the list with 75 million dollars.  It was interesting to see that Adam Sandler was one of the highest paid actors, it looks like his Happy Gilmore Productions is doing very well!  Congrats to him.  Here is the link to the story:   I haven't seen the list of films coming out for fall 2012 and summer 2013 so I'm not sure if there are more blockbusters on the way or not.

Just as a side note, Cruise's movie "Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol" brought in about 700 million dollars as of recent accounts, but is sure to reach close to 1 billion when DVD sales and downloads are factored in during the rest of 2012.

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