Saturday, June 9, 2012

Joe Lizura Facebook Story

Joe Lizura Facebook Story.  June 9, 2012.  Saw this facebook poll that said less and less people are spending time on the social network.  So is facebook losing its fire power?  Personally I think it is just a natural progression of a web network after it reaches near saturation, but although people may be spending less time on the site, it certainly remains very important and very socially relevent.  For example, my daughter just had her high school graduation this week and within 24 hours, most of the senior class of 600+ students had dozens and dozens of pictures uploaded and shared with friends - a process, that without facebook, would have taken the entire summer to accomplish (if it was even feasable).  So it may be true that my personal facebook page (joe lizura facebook)  is in lame shape, the younger generation's facebook pages are still on fire, and judging by how many comments all of the photos have and how many time people have tagged themselves, it looks like facebook is going to be on fire for a long time to come, poll or no poll.

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