Joe Lizura Fire. 6/2/2012. The Fire in New Mexico has officially grown to the largest fire burning in the Nation - it's not the largest on record, but it's certainly a very large one by anybody's standards. being a meteorologist and living in fire prone California for more than 25 years, I'm no stranger to fires and one thing I can say for sure, is that if a fire is burning in a mostly remote mountainous region, the best thing to do is to let the fire burn itself out naturally.
The fire was started by a lightning strike, which is perfectly natural, infact, more than 10,000 wildfires a year are started in the U.S. by lightning strikes and there are many good arguments for letting the fires that start naturally simply burn themselves out naturally as well. The fire in New Mexico will burn itself out, but it may not be for another 4 to 6 weeks until the monsoon rains arrive - in the meantime, fighting the fire only in the areas where homes are threatened is really the best way to go.
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The Joe Lizura Blog is a collection of Joe Lizura's thoughts and popular articles that are fun and interesting. Joe has been a television weathercaster and newscaster in San Diego for more than 25 years. Joe is the Executive Director of The Solar Alliance Foundation and is also the CEO of The Allowance Media Group, dedicated to creating television shows, you can join Joe at, and you can follow joe lizura on twitter at
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