Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Big Birthday Thanks

Well it's almost the end of my birthday, April 4, 2013 and it turned out to be a pretty nice one.  I must admit that over the last few days I was dreading the day as I've gotten to the point where moving through my 50's just isn't as much fun as I thought it would be - let's face it, the next "Big" one will be the "big 6-0" and who looks forward to that??!!

But after a little Carpe Diem (seize the day) I got out of my funk and jumped into the day - which turned out alright . . . I received a bunch of facebook Happy birthdays (34 and counting) and a bunch of phone calls and balloons and cake!  I even had a few drinks for happy hour with a couple of close friends that have been with me through "thick and thin" and that meant a great deal to me.

It was also wonderful to get my first card from my Daughter who no longer lives at home most of the year (she's in college) - it meant that she was able to do a nice thing that us grown-ups take for granted, and that is getting a birthday card to someone on time.  The same thing goes for my brother and sisters, all of whom called and sent cards - which meant a lot to me as well.

Now it's almost the end of my birthday and I wanted to say thanks to everyone who made my day a special one for me.  Thank you.


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