Friday, April 27, 2012 website

Joe Lizura
 April 27, 2012.  The newly revised website.  I don't usually write about my own website, because I've sort-of felt that my blog is the place to comment on those news stories that are either interesting or fun, but today I decided to talk about the Joe Lizura website.  I've been working on it for the last few days by adding photos from my last 22 years here in San Diego.  I'm quite certain that if you live in San Diego that there is a chance that you might be in one of the photos.

In particular, I would love to know the names of the gentlemen in the photo of me doing a live-shot at the KGB skyshow preparation back in 1990 - there are photos of me doing some live shots at the very first "Bikes for Kids" give-a-way from 1993, when the Salvation Army, Myself, and KNSD created a program to reward outstanding elementary shool children with brand new bikes for going above and beyond their capabilities.  At any rate, these are some of my favorite "Joe Lizura Photos" and I thought you'd like to see a few of them.  Be sure to visit the website and then click on the Joe Lizura Photo Gallery!

Joe Lizura

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Remembering Dick Clark

Joe Lizura. April 18, 2012.  There's a certain sadness in my heart with the passing of Dick Clark, one part of me wants to be greatful for the decades of television he brought into my life, yet the other side of me is very sad because an iconic man has left us.  There are many things we can count on every year, like fireworks on the Fourth of July, Turkey at Thanksgiving and the twinkle of Christmas lights in neighborhoods all around us during the Christmas season.  But now for many of us, a standard will be missing.  Dick Clark was more than just a man, he was a reason to stop and pause - just for a second each and every year as we counted the clock down on New Year's Eve.  Folks like myself grew up watching Dick Clark bring us the new year, and I'm afraid that things will never be the same for our generation on that one special evening every year.  In decades to come, we will talk about our fond memories of New Year's in the past, and no doubt that 10, 20 or more years from now we will say to our kids and grandkids - "That was great . . but when I was a kid we had a guy named Dick Clark ..."  So on behalf of our generation, thank you Mr. Clark, thank you very much.  RIP.

Joe Lizura

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Improving the work environment

Joe Lizura. April 17, 2012.  Not too much to write about here, just a fun story about a new philosophy in work environments. Finally folks realize that all of the problems in the world are solved in the bar; but seriously, it's a fun story, check it out:

Joe Lizura

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Dog "Happy"

April 3, 2012.  Joe Lizura.  It hasn't even been a week yet, but I thought it was time to write about the loss of a most amazing friend, my dog "Happy".  People often name their dogs after characteristics, and that's why we named him "Happy" - quite frankly, he was Always a happy dog.  Now it's true, those who knew "Happy" certainly knew that we could never give him the name of  "rocket scientist" because he never learned to fetch, catch a ball, catch a treat in his mouth, or even lift his leg in the yard to go potty.  But there wasn't a single day or even a minute that went by when "Happy" wasn't the happiest dog in the land! 

I remember the day we found him in the Mall petshop and how upset I was that they would have such a large dog (Burnese Mountain Dog) in a tiny little plastic cage.  So rather than arguing with the shop manager, we just brought him home and made him a part of our family even though we knew that as such a large dog that we would probably only see him for about 6 or 7 years before he would pass away - but nobody in our family ever thought that the time would pass so quickly, so last week when "Happy" passed away we were devastated.

"Happy" will live on in our hearts but this summer when we are swimming and BBQ-ing in the back yard, we will miss him dearly.  R.I.P. "Happy" - you'll be in our thoughts forever.

Joe Lizura